These are pictures of us. This is a picture of Cader. These are pictures of Payton. This is a video of Laney talking about dogs.She does not like dogs. This a video of Corbin saying the pledge of allegiance.He is a kindergartner.
I go to a really cool charter school my teacher's name is Mrs.Kiely, there is this thing called Outstanding Student Contest, it is where if you are being good you put a sticker on a chart next to your name and at the end of the month, the 10 kids with the most stickers get a popcorn party.Also there is a sticker chart at the end of the year whoever has the most stickers gets a pizza party. It ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 days ago we went hunting.The three of us boys went with my dad and grandpa. We killed 9 doves, my dad killed 8 dove and my grandpa killed 1, we are not throwing them away, we are eating them, I think out of the kids I'll only try them, even my sister who eats faster then me might not, but I know my dad and my grandpa are eating them to.But that is all I know.