Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Elicth Gardens 2

We went to Elitch Gardens again because my mom bought passes.I called my friend Peter the day before and he said he was going there to.So we met each other at the dragon wing ride and did that one together.We also went on a lot of rides Peter has not been on such as Chaos and Mind eraser.We went on rides we've never been on like sidewinder, troika, and ghost blasters.Cade went on sidewinder with us.Cade also went on with us chaos, mind eraser troika and ghost blasters.Payton went on most of the rides with me and Peter.He took me on shipwreck falls which I've never been on because I never had time.We had a blast!!

1 comment:

Zane, Fallon,Taden,Damian and ? said...

hi cole, i love and miss you! fallon, taden, damian and zane!